
Scottish Society of Botanical Artists (SSBA)

The society was formed on the 18th June 2014 by a group of enthusiastic botanical artists from a variety of backgrounds with the aim of creating a botanical art society in Scotland that would be open to all.

The SSBA, as a Registered Charity (SC045778), is dedicated to nurturing and promoting botanical art, while respecting its traditions.

We aim to provide a forum to share and disseminate knowledge and expertise in all aspects of botanical art; encouraging a high standard of artistic achievement and providing a platform for the exhibition of botanical art in Scotland.


Margaret Walty upcoming exhibition

Member Margaret Walty will be exhibiting at the Eskdalemuir Community Hub and Old School Cafe from the 2nd to the 31st August.

AS a Charity THe SSBA is solely funded by money raised through membership and exhibitions, if you would like to donate to us please use the following forms :

Gift Aid Declaration (Pdf)

Gift Aid Declaration (Doc)

Our grateful thanks to The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society  https://thecaley.org.uk/  and  Giclee UK for their ongoing support.

Thank to the Finnis Scott Foundation for the Biennial award that funded the Introductory and Intermediate  Botanical Art workshops in Aviemore and Dumfries from 2022 to 2024.