
Scottish Society of Botanical Artists (SSBA)

The society was formed on the 18th June 2014 by a group of enthusiastic botanical artists from a variety of backgrounds with the aim of creating a botanical art society in Scotland that would be open to all.

The SSBA, as a Registered Charity (SC045778), is dedicated to nurturing and promoting botanical art, while respecting its traditions.

We aim to provide a forum to share and disseminate knowledge and expertise in all aspects of botanical art; encouraging a high standard of artistic achievement and providing a platform for the exhibition of botanical art in Scotland.


Worldwide Day of Botanical Art – Friday May 18


12.00 – 16.00


Several of our members and committee have been working hard towards the success of Flora Scotia, part of the Botanical Art Worldwide project and exhibition, and for the upcoming Worldwide Day of Botanical Art event, Friday 18 May, at the John Hope Gateway in the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.

We hope to see you there, enjoying the demonstrations, libations and celebrations.

The event starts at noon with the opening ceremony, and it will be non-stop until 4 p.m. 

Meet the Plants  – Guided walks around the garden with RBGE botanist Greg Kenicer, at 12.30, 13.30, 14.30 and 15.30.

The Botanical Art Worldwide slideshow will run continuously throughout the celebrations

Visitors will get a chance to work alongside Flora Scotia artists on a giant botanical mural


Demonstrations – 

12.00 – Lyn Campbell, Hazel Morris, Julie Price

13.00 – Linda Russell, Sharon Tingey

14.00 – Sheila Anderson Hardy (ink wash), Eleanor Christopher

15.00 – Marianne Hazlewood (buttercups), Janet Dyer (pen and ink illustration)

Many thanks to members Sarah Roberts, Anne Dana, Jacqui Pestell, Nicola Macartney, Jenny Haslemeier, Marianne Hazlewood, Lyn Campbell, Linda Russell, Eleanor Christopher, Julie Price, Jocelyn Anne Rabbitts, Bill Philips, Kathy Munro (Secretary), and Hazel Morris (Director), and all the members of the Scottish Botanical Arts Collective for their efforts towards making this exhibition and day a success. 

Last but certainly not least, a huge thank you to all artists who submitted work.


Acrylic painting workshop

Paint Botanical Art with Acrylics

Camellia, acrylic painting by Paul Jones

If you’re interested in learning more, join us at the one-day acrylics workshop in October, led by renowned artist Margaret Walty.

Only twelve places available, and seven are already booked, so don’t delay.

Booking: contact newsletter@thessba.org.uk

Date: Sunday October 7th 2018

Venue: Queen Margaret University, Queen Margaret Drive, Musselburgh EH21 6UU

Cost: £50 per member, £60 non member

Events and talks at The Botanic Cottage

A series of free events and talks to be held in the Professor’s Room, Botanic Cottage, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
Places must be reserved (see below).


Cottage and flowers1. The Botanic Cottage, Jane Corrie and Gerry Gallacher
Thursday 15 March 2-4 pm

2. Nepal, Jacqui Pestell MBE
Thursday 17 May 5-7.30 pm. Bring your own picnic to enjoy in the garden beside the Cottage.

3. Art in Nature, George Anderson
Thursday 20th September 2-4 pm.

4. Curtis Botanical Magazine, Sharon Bradley
Thursday 8th November 2-4 pm.

5. SSBA members’ Christmas Party
Thursday 6th December 5-7.30 pm. Catering provided. 

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AS a Charity THe SSBA is solely funded by money raised through membership and exhibitions, if you would like to donate to us please use the following forms :

Gift Aid Declaration (Pdf)

Gift Aid Declaration (Doc)

Our grateful thanks to The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society  https://thecaley.org.uk/  and  Giclee UK for their ongoing support.

Thank to the Finnis Scott Foundation for the Biennial award that funded the Introductory and Intermediate  Botanical Art workshops in Aviemore and Dumfries from 2022 to 2024.