SSBA Win Prestigious Finnis Scott Foundation Botanical Art Prize

The SSBA have been awarded the Finnis Scott Foundation Botanical Art Prize. This is a biennial prize of £10,000 awarded to support and promote the practice of botanical art.

Most Botanical Art courses are held in the central belt of Scotland, yet the SSBA has members from all over the country. In order to help those who live in more remote areas, we will provide tutor led courses in the north and south of Scotland. These courses will be open to SSBA members and members of the public who are interested in learning and developing their botanical art skills.

Over 2 years we will run 8 weekend courses, free of charge to participants, although they will have to pay for their own travel, accommodation and meals and recommended art materials.

Year 1 there will be 2 beginner courses in autumn and 2 in spring. Year 2 there will be 2 intermediate courses in autumn and 2 in spring. There will be 12 places per course.

We are delighted that this funding allows us to realise plans we’ve had for some time to aid those who don’t have easy access to face to face courses taught by experienced tutors in areas out with the central belt.

2022 SSBA calendar

2022 SSBA calendar

We are delighted to announce that our 2022 SSBA calendar, our first, is now available for sale. The cover features orchids by member Mary O’Neil. The back cover gives a snapshot of the member paintings for each month. Please contact...


Taking inspiration from our ‘bonus time’ spent in gardens last year, our sixth annual exhibition will be held at the historic Scottish Arts Club, 24 Rutland Square, Edinburgh,  2nd to 26th June 2021. It will highlight fresh original work from our talented artist...