Scottish Society of Botanical Artists (SSBA)
The society was formed on the 18th June 2014 by a group of enthusiastic botanical artists from a variety of backgrounds with the aim of creating a botanical art society in Scotland that would be open to all.
The SSBA, as a Registered Charity (SC045778), is dedicated to nurturing and promoting botanical art, while respecting its traditions.
We aim to provide a forum to share and disseminate knowledge and expertise in all aspects of botanical art; encouraging a high standard of artistic achievement and providing a platform for the exhibition of botanical art in Scotland.
Contemporary Botanical Art 17 January – 25 February 2024
This exhibition presents new work by members of the Scottish Society of Botanical Artists (SSBA) alongside sculptures by Ellen McCann. For this exhibition, and to reflect the charitable aims of the SOC, the artists have taken their inspiration from plants found in the wild in Scotland. These plants, wild flowers, trees, brambles and weeds form part of the habitat of wild birds and pollinators, and indeed visiting birds and insects are included in some of the paintings! The SSBA promotes and encourages botanical art in Scotland. It is an inclusive organisation whose membership ranges from those relatively new to botanical art to professional artists. They work in a variety of media including watercolour, acrylic, coloured pencil, graphite and ink.
The paintings are accompanied by sculptures by Ellen McCann. Her ceramic sculptures are inspired by plants in transition – gently moving towards opening up, inviting us to imagine what they might become. Ellen’s sculptures are made with stoneware clay constructed using slabs and coils, then carved, glazed and fired to 1250 degrees. They can be placed indoors or outdoors, and indeed there will be some sculptures in the garden at the SOC. Ellen is the recipient of a number of awards and travelling scholarships. She is based near Biggar.
Scottish Ornithologists’ Club (SOC)
Waterston House, Aberlady, EH32 0PY
Open Wed-Sun (10-4)
About the SOC: the Scottish Ornithologists’ Club (SOC) promotes the study, conservation and enjoyment of wild birds and their habitats in Scotland.
SSBA 9th Annual Exhibition
At the Scottish Ornithologists’ Club in Aberlady
From 17th January to 25th February 2024
The gallery is open Wednesdays to Sundays from 10:00am to 4pm.
One of the aims of the Scottish Ornithologists’ Club is to ‘support the conservation of wild birds and their habitats throughout Scotland’. This exhibition will, therefore, reflect the habitat of wild birds with paintings depicting plants found in the wild, natural environment in Scotland, from wildflower meadows to garden weeds!
We will again be including cards and mini-paintings, at very affordable prices.
SSBA Botanical Art Introductory and Intermediate courses in the south and north of Scotland
The SSBA is delighted to announce that the SSBA Botanical Art Introductory and Intermediate courses in the south and north of Scotland are now available to apply for the autumn 2023 Introductory courses, or to note interest in the April 2024 Intermediate courses.
The courses are available due to the award to the SSBA of the Finnis Scott Foundation Botanical Art Prize. This is a biennial prize of £10,000 awarded to support and promote the practice of botanical art.
The courses are open to SSBA members and members of the public who are interested in learning and developing their botanical art skills.
The courses will be provided free of charge to participants, although they will have to pay for their own travel, accommodation, breakfast, dinner and recommended art materials.
If you live in the south or north of Scotland, would you be interested in attending? Or do you know anyone who would like to learn or develop their skill?
More information is available in the attached information document and we encourage anyone interested to apply or note their interest (follow the links in the document).
SSBA Botanical Art Courses Information Click Here
AS a Charity THe SSBA is solely funded by money raised through membership and exhibitions, if you would like to donate to us please use the following forms :
Our grateful thanks to The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society and Giclee UK for their ongoing support.
Thank to the Finnis Scott Foundation for the Biennial award that funded the Introductory and Intermediate Botanical Art workshops in Aviemore and Dumfries from 2022 to 2024.