SSBA Win Prestigious Finnis Scott Foundation Botanical Art Prize
The SSBA have been awarded the Finnis Scott Foundation Botanical Art Prize. This is a biennial prize of £10,000 awarded to support and promote the practice of botanical art.
Most Botanical Art courses are held in the central belt of Scotland, yet the SSBA has members from all over the country. In order to help those who live in more remote areas, we will provide tutor led courses in the north and south of Scotland. These courses will be open to SSBA members and members of the public who are interested in learning and developing their botanical art skills.
Over 2 years we will run 8 weekend courses, free of charge to participants, although they will have to pay for their own travel, accommodation and meals and recommended art materials.
Year 1 there will be 2 beginner courses in autumn and 2 in spring. Year 2 there will be 2 intermediate courses in autumn and 2 in spring. There will be 12 places per course.
We are delighted that this funding allows us to realise plans we’ve had for some time to aid those who don’t have easy access to face to face courses taught by experienced tutors in areas out with the central belt.

2022 SSBA calendar
We are delighted to announce that our 2022 SSBA calendar, our first, is now available for sale.
The cover features orchids by member Mary O’Neil. The back cover gives a snapshot of the member paintings for each month.
Please contact for more information.

Winner of our member Christmas Card competition
We’re delighted to announce the winner of our member Christmas Card competition. Agita Kieri’s painting of ‘Fruit Garlands’ will be the SSBA ‘s Christmas card for 2021. If you’d like to purchase cards, please get in touch

Scottish Society of Botanical Artists – 6th Annual Exhibition
Please see the flyer for a link to the SAC website, which will have our paintings online from 4th June and to Eventbrite to book your visit to see the paintings in person from 2nd to 26th June.
SSBA Loving The Garden A4 Flyer

Taking inspiration from our ‘bonus time’ spent in gardens last year, our sixth annual exhibition will be held at the historic Scottish Arts Club, 24 Rutland Square, Edinburgh, 2nd to 26th June 2021.
It will highlight fresh original work from our talented artist members.
At this time, we do not know if it will be possible to view the exhibition in person, but it will be available online, see
An update on visiting will be available from the SSBA and the Scottish Arts Club closer to the date.
Updated Mentor Scheme
We’re pleased to offer our updated Mentor Scheme (previously the Buddy Scheme) to both new and existing members. We’re delighted that a number of our members have volunteered to act as a Mentor. If you’re willing to be a mentor, or would like the support of a mentor, contact me through to ask for help or advice.
As well as support for existing members, the scheme is particularly beneficial to assist new members on joining the Society. The aim is to help them integrate into the SSBA by introducing them to an existing member they can contact directly with any questions or queries.
- To help the new member understand the working of the society
- To introduce them to other members
- To assist them in applying for entry to an exhibition
- To guide them through the scanning, printing and framing processes
- To advise in the purchasing of art materials
- To put them in contact with someone relevant to their question
Botanical Art/Illustration is an expanding area of expertise and those involved love sharing their passion for this field. They are usually very willing to share their knowledge and experiences and if they don’t know, they will know someone who does!
To find a Mentor you should initially contact Lyn Campbell at
Special offer – Half price membership for new members in 2021.
Join the SSBA in 2021: Full membership – £25.00 – Student and Friend membership – £10.00
Benefits of membership include being part of a friendly, inclusive society, annual exhibition, biannual newsletter, regular painting days, workshops, demonstrations and social events. We hope to reintroduce our normal programme as soon as it is safe to do so. If you are interested in joining please complete the membership form and start your botanical art journey with us. Click here
Exhibition, Open Eye Gallery, Edinburgh: 6th-24th October 2020
Exhibition by SSBA Member Marianne Hazlewood – Fine hair, Soft Nibs, depictions from a shady bed
An exhibition of botanical Watercolour paintings, Japanese ink paste illustrations and screen prints. All works illustrated at:
6th – 24th October, Tuesday to Friday 11am to 5pm, Sat 11am to 4pm.
Visits are by appointment only, please contact the Gallery before arrival to book a slot.
Open Eye Gallery, 34 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE. Phone: 0131 557 1020. Email:
In accordance with Government guidelines all social distancing measures will be in place with hand sanitiser at the door upon arrival. For the safety of all the gallery respectfully asks all visitors to wear face masks.
This exhibition is also accessible online at:
Exhibition, Frames Gallery, Perth: 19th September to 10th October
We are expecting to have another wonderful exhibition of the work our members have done during lockdown.
This year the exhibition is at the Frames Gallery in Perth.
10 Victoria Street, Perth, Scotland, PH2 8LW
01738 631085 –
Frames Gallery operates the Own Art scheme allowing buyers to spread the cost of a purchase over 10 payments.
Saturday 19th September to Saturday 10th October 2020
Monday to Friday 10am – 5.30pm, Saturday 10.30am – 5pm
Frames Gallery has now been open for several weeks and this will be their third exhibition since re-opening.
The Scottish Society of Botanical Artists has been established for only six years but has, in that short time, built a sizeable membership of extremely talented artists. Each year we have an annual exhibition and we are delighted to have picked Frames as the venue for this year. There are 21 artists with 79 works on show.The quality of the painting in these works is quite remarkable and it would be well worth paying a visit to see the work on the wall.
As usual paintings, prints and cards will be for sale. The gallery is a large space and we will be limiting numbers if necessary to maintain social distancing guidelines.
However, if you cannot manage to get to the Gallery, there will also be the opportunity to see most of the paintings on the Frames Gallery website and to purchase paintings from there.
Given the current situation we are not able to hold a private view as in the old days but some of the artists will be in the gallery from 11am on the 19th September. To avoid any possible overcrowding you can book a slot from 11am onwards. Book via Eventbrite where you can select the slot which suits you best.
Nuntii Autumn 2019
Nuntii Autumn 2019
This quarterly newsletter goes out to all out members, and is packed full of articles new and painting days that our members can access. We have uploaded the Autumn newsletter now that the spring one is out to show non members what the society gets up to.
Happy Reading
Nuntii Autumn 2019 – Download here